Introduction to Real
time system: Real-time systems have been defined as: "those
systems in which the correctness of the system depends not only on the logical
result of the computation, but also on the time at which the results are
produced". A real-time system is one that must process information and
produce a response within a specified time; else risk apart the result,
including failure. That is, in a system with a real-time constraint it is not
having good chance to have the correct action or the correct answer after a
certain deadline. Air line traffic control, automatic washing machines etc. are
the examples of real time systems. It is of two types: Hard and Soft real time
In hard real
time system any output after the deadline should be treated as
useless, so it lead to complete failure. For example, missile launching is the
real time system. In a soft real-time system, degrading operations
occur rarely and peak load can be tolerated. If load is high response time is
reduced and hence minor delay can be there.
Now, as for as, the question is concerned, over here
traffic lights are taken as real time system for description.
Traffic lights: Traffic light
is the hard real time system or intelligent system in which the time plays the
major role. Time is set for the lights with the interaction of the physical
world. The lights are used to reduce the delay while using the road by the
vehicle. The normal function of traffic lights requires
sophisticated control and coordination to ensure that traffic moves as smoothly
and safely as possible and that pedestrians are protected when they cross the
roads. A variety of different control systems are used to accomplish this,
ranging from simple clockwork techniques to sophisticated computerized control
and coordination systems that self-adjust to minimize delay to people using the
Traffic controller systems: A traffic signal is typically
controlled by a controller inside a cabinet mounted on a concrete pad. Although some electro-mechanical controllers are
still in use, modern traffic controllers are solid state. The cabinet typically
contains a power panel, to distribute electrical power in the cabinet, a
detector interface panel, to connect to loop detectors and other detectors, detector amplifiers, the controller
itself, a conflict monitor unit, flash transfer relays, a police panel, to allow the police
to disable the signal and other components.
Computerized traffic control box
Traffic controllers use the concept of
phases, which are directions of movement grouped together. For instance, a
simple intersection may have two phases: North/South, and East/West. A 4-way
intersection has independent control for each direction. Traffic lights must be
instructed when to change phase and they are usually coordinated so that the
phase changes occur in some relationship to other nearby signals or to the
press of a pedestrian button or to the action of a timer or a number of other
The controller uses input from detectors,
which are sensors that inform the controller processor whether vehicles or
other road users are present, to adjust signal timing and phasing within the time
limits set by the controller’s programming. Detectors can be grouped into three
classes: in-pavement detectors, non-intrusive detectors, and detection for
non-motorized road users.
In-pavement detectors: These detectors are buried in or under the roadway.
Inductive Detector loops are the most common type. They are sensors buried in the road to detect the
presence of traffic waiting at the light, and thus can reduce the time when a
green signal is given for an empty road. A timer is frequently used as a
default during times of very low traffic density and as a backup in case the
sensors fail. The sensor loops typically work in the same fashion as metal detectors.
Non-intrusive detectors: It is sometimes more advantageous and
cost effective to install over-roadway sensors than tampering the road and embedding
inductive loops. These technologies include video image processors, sensors
that use electromagnetic waves, or sound sensors to detect the presence of
vehicles at the intersection waiting for the way.
Non-motorized user detection: Non-motorized users are classified
as pedestrians, bicyclists, and equestrians. Provisions for detecting these
users include demand buttons and tuned detectors. Some traffic lights at
pedestrian crossings, especially those away from junctions, include a button
which must be pressed in order to activate the timing system. This is generally
accompanied by a large display reading "wait", which lights up when
the button is pressed, and off when the lights enter the red phase.
Now, describing the basic algorithm for the Traffic lights.
As the traffic lights are on the all
four directions on the road. So the algorithm can be like as:
1. Start
2. Initializing and defining the
variables and define the functions.
3. Switch on Yellow on west direction
and Red for remaining directions. // west side is alert or ready and all other
sides are restricted.
4. Switch on Yellow on north direction
and Red for remaining directions.
5. Switch on Green on north direction
and Red for remaining directions.
6. Countdown timer is on, on the
7. If Time is equal to zero.
Goto step 8.
Wait for time to be zero. //vehicle
has to wait for the signal off
8. Switch on Yellow on north direction
and Red for remaining directions. // north side is alert or ready
9. Switch on Yellow on south direction
and Red for remaining directions.
10. Switch on Green on south direction
and Red for remaining directions. Goto step 6
// south side is free to move
11. Switch on Green on east direction
and Red for remaining directions. Goto step 6
12. Switch on Green on west direction and Red for
remaining directions. Goto step 6
This will keep on
running at every time like this. Here is the flow chart representation of the
traffic light algorithm.
Traffic light are
not only the alone part of the traffic control but there is the
inter-relationship with the other phases, which gives the better understanding
of the traffic control system. It is shown in the diagram below.
Traffic light
control and information transmission device compromising a microprocessor on
the cross road, the microprocessor further connects to a traffic light
controller, an electronic display board, a video camera, a compression
circuitry, an I/O interface, a traffic flow detector and connected to the central
traffic control computer through the DSL (Digital Subscriber Loop). The control
signals, traffic, public information or news of the central traffic control
computer can go through the DLS to the microprocessor; the microprocessor can
control the traffic light and display all the information on the electronic
display board. The traffic flow data of the cross roads can be accessed by the
traffic flow detector and the video camera and transmitted back to the central
traffic control computer.
Suggestion for required modification: The future traffic lights should be more interactive. As in
the present traffic lights the countdown timer displays the numbers which are
not mostly liked and may annoy someone waiting in red signal. Interaction can
be done like as when signal becomes red the days headline news can be displayed
or weather can be displayed simultaneously with the interactive countdown of
traffic light device.
Real time system example and algorithm is described here. It describes the algorithm also..